Mask Assessment

Discover Your Masks

Rate each statement on a scale of 1-5, where:
1 = Strongly Agree, 2 = Agree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Disagree, 5 = Strongly Disagree.

Choose the response that best reflects your level of agreement with each statement.

Answer honestly to get the most accurate result. This assessment will help you reflect on your interactions with others and yourself.

Once you've finished, press the **See My Masks** button, and your top two masks will be revealed.

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I feel guilty or uneasy when I take time to rest or relax.
I avoid sharing personal struggles to maintain a strong image.
I often push myself to accomplish more, even when I’m exhausted.
I struggle to see how I might contribute to challenges I face.
I avoid serious conversations by steering them toward lightheartedness.
I feel uneasy when I don’t have all the answers to a problem.
I feel pressure to maintain a cheerful image, even when I’m struggling.
I feel compelled to resist rules or ideas that feel unnecessary or restrictive.
I often spend extra time rechecking my work to ensure it’s flawless.
I feel disappointed in myself when I make even small mistakes.
I adapt my personality to fit in with the people around me.
I avoid asking for help, even when I could benefit from it.
I rely on facts and logic to avoid discussing my feelings.
I focus on projecting a spiritual or enlightened image to others.
I often take control of discussions to steer them in a direction I understand.
I feel anxious about disappointing others or not meeting their expectations.
I take pride in being perceived as unshakable, even during difficult times.
I feel more comfortable analyzing a situation than expressing emotions.
I feel safer lightening the mood rather than expressing my true emotions.
I often find myself questioning authority or traditional approaches.
I take pride in being self-sufficient, even when it’s challenging.
I feel uncomfortable showing vulnerability to others.
I avoid discussing negative feelings because I worry it will burden others.
I take pride in doing things my own way, even when it’s unconventional.
I often use humor to avoid addressing serious or uncomfortable topics.
I equate being busy with being valuable or successful.
I prefer to handle things on my own rather than rely on others.
I often feel unsure about who I really am beyond my roles or relationships.
I feel uncomfortable or restless when I’m not actively doing something.
I often agree with others to avoid conflict or tension.
I often feel like circumstances are beyond my control and dictate my life.
I feel guilty or selfish when I take time for myself.
I often use intellectual arguments to steer conversations away from personal topics.
I avoid discussing personal challenges that might conflict with my spiritual ideals.
I struggle to share my true opinions if they might upset others.
I often neglect my own needs because I’m focused on helping others.
I feel validated when others depend on me for support or help.
I feel compelled to prove my knowledge or expertise in most situations.
I avoid sharing my true self to avoid conflict or rejection.
I avoid starting tasks unless I’m confident I can excel at them.
I struggle to slow down or take breaks, even when I need them.
I measure my self-worth by how much I achieve or produce.
I feel pressure to embody spiritual principles, even when I’m struggling.
I try to stay positive, even when I’m feeling upset or frustrated.
I focus more on what’s unfair or wrong than on finding solutions.